A Guide to Choosing Opal Jewellery in Sydney

Opals, with their mesmerizing play-of-colour and iridescent allure, have captivated hearts for centuries. As one of the world’s most prized gemstones, opals hold a special place in the realm of jewellery, enchanting wearers with their unique charm. And where better to explore the world of opal jewellery than in the vibrant city of Sydney, Australia?…

Opal – Australia’s National Gemstone

Opal, often referred to as Australia’s national gemstone, holds a mesmerizing allure with its kaleidoscopic play of colors and unique formations. This precious gemstone has captivated the world with its beauty and mystique, earning a special place in both history and modern culture. Introduction to Opal Opal is a hydrated amorphous silica form mainly found…

Why it is Important to Buy Solid Opals?

Opals are among the most fascinating gemstones, renowned for their iridescent play-of-color that captures the imagination. With a history steeped in lore and mystique, opals have captivated humanity for centuries. From ancient civilizations to modern jewelry enthusiasts, opals continue to hold a special allure. Understanding Solid Opals Solid opals, as the name suggests, are composed…

Best Opal Jewelry Shop in Sydney

Introduction to Opal Jewelry in Sydney Opal jewelry holds a mystical allure, renowned for its vibrant play of colors and the unique personality of each piece. In Sydney, the appreciation for these gemstones goes beyond their aesthetic, embedding itself in the city’s culture and luxury market. History of Opal Jewelry in Sydney Sydney, a hub…

Black Opal Pendants Sydney

How to Tell If an Opal is Real?

Opals are mesmerizing gemstones known for their iridescent play of color, making them a sought-after choice for jewelry enthusiasts. However, with the rise of synthetic and imitation opals flooding the market, determining the authenticity of these gems has become crucial for buyers. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to distinguish real opals from their counterfeit…

October Birthstone - Opal

October Birthstone – Opal

Throughout history Opal has been regarded as the stone of good fortune.  Late in the 19th and early in the 20th century, for commercial reasons, there was a proliferation of damaging reports that opal as an unlucky stone. These were based upon a misinterpretation.  In Roman times the gem was carried as a good luck…

Opal Curiosities

Opal is Australia’s National Gemstone, with each of Australia’s major opal fields having its own distinctive geology, opal types, fossils, landscape, natural and cultural heritage. This panoply of treasures, unique in the world, is the consequence of a freakish combination of geological conditions (Rey 2013). Gemstone laboratories and industry participants, educators and opal enthusiasts look…